Sunday 21 March 2010

Foreign Scenery

Between 1811 and 1814 T. Cadell & W. Davies published 'Foreign Scenery' in several parts. This publication is mentioned in 'Westall's Drawings' and although not seen a description based on information contained in 'The Bibliographers Manual' new edition by Henry G. Bohn (1864) V, 2878 as "A Series of Views of picturesque and romantic Scenery in Madeira, the Cape of Good Hope, Timor, China, Prince of Wales Island, Bombay, Mahratta Country, St Helena and Jamaica, engraved by Heath, Woolnoth and Cook, from drawings made in those countries by William Westall". One plate mentioned in 'Bibliotheca Britannica' by Robert Watt (1824) II is "Samoica".

The National Library of Australia lists this publication ( adding that it was printed for Cadell and Davies by George Sidney, London. The views in the first three parts only are provided: Part 1 - Three Views in the island of Madeira; Part 2 - Three Views in the Island of Madeira; Part 3 - Two Views of Madeira and one in the island of St Helena.Descriptive accounts are in English and French. Names of the artists and engravers are given, the first six signed by R.Westall. Engravers include W. Woolnoth and S.Middiman. As Richard Westall never visited the countries and the title says the drawings were made by William Westall in those countries I think that either Richard 'improved' on the original sketches or engraved them. He is known to have had ability as an engraver.

It is not known if other parts of 'Foreign Scenery' were published. As William's exhibition of foreign scenery in 1808 did not succeed it is possible the venture was brought to a halt. It is also possible all the parts have been broken up or that all the parts are discovered. What seems clear is that drawings existed for two or more further parts. There are drawings of Madeira in private hands which have not been publicised.

The print of Bombay Castle at the National Maritime Museum, mentioned in my blog on 'The Naval Chronicle', could be an example of one missing print. The original of a St Helena view has been photocopied and is in the Witt Library as owned by Heseltine. Apart from the Cape of Good Hope and Jamaica the other plates mentioned could all be accounted for. There are photocopies of three original panoramic views of Jamaica at the Witt Library by William but it would seem unlikely that they would fit the format for 'Foreign Scenery'.


  1. Farington April 16 1808 "Mr T.Hope bought a drawing by Wm Westall for 50 gs 'a view of China' and Lord Buckinghamshire bought 'a view of Bombay' by him."
    National Maritime Museum, Greenwich has a waterclour drawing entitled No 3 Bocca Tigris-Canton, otherwise known as A Chinese Junk, dated 1808.

  2. 'Samoica' is probably a place in India. A possibility may be Samoa.

  3. The print of Bombay at the NMM is 'North West view of the Fort of Bombay' eng Rg. Reeve pub Smith,Elder & Co col aquatint - which means it is from the Grindlay print published c1830.
